Here are some other useful numbers on the Santa Barbara real estate market (comparing 2010 to 2009):
Active listings: up 4.2%.
New listings: up 7.7%
Properties that went into escrow: up 8.2%
Sold properties: up 9.3%
Average sold price: up 6.9%
Sold volume: up 16.9%
Months of inventory remained consistent at approximately 8 to 9 months.
*Homes/Estates (These numbers do not include condos)
A blog about Santa Barbara and Montecito, mainly focused on real estate, but also sharing local community events, art, travels, and healthy living.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Visual Santa Barbara Real Estate Market Statistics
Here are some very resourceful graphs showing a picture of the Santa Barbara real estate market. These statistics were published through the Santa Barbara MLS on December 3rd.
He/PU=Home or PUD (Planned Unit Development)
All graphs run from the beginning of January through the end of November.
It's clear from these graphs that 2008 was our lowest performing year, we are seeing an uptick in the market, and prices are still low. There should be some good opportunities in 2011.