Yes, that's right. 1st Thursday is here again, and it's happening next week (November 5th) all over downtown. Come stop by Eden at 17 W. Ortega from 5-8p.m. to see my most recent oil paintings, hear live instrumental music by The Refreshments, and have some refreshments (local wine, etc.). It will be a good time with good people. You can grab a 'Passport' from Eden that you can use as your guide through downtown for the evening.
Speaking of my recent oil paintings, I want to mention my amazing painting group and say that I would not be painting if it weren't for them. I have been a part of this group for over six years now, and we are all so different, and we all paint such different things, but somehow we work really well together. We give encouragement and feedback, fun conversation, and

as you can see from these somewhat blurry photos, a lot of joking around. (Anne Wright attacked me with red paint after I started laughing at her for having green paint all over her mouth.) I tend to paint really large pieces these days, although I do all sizes, and others paint very tiny and detailed pieces. Some are detailed and others are impressionistic, and that's what creates all the chemistry, because no one is trying to compete. Lots of love to my group!
See you next Thursday...

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